Secured Advantage, an independent agency friendly network organization, expanded its insurance company relationships with a first class regional partner in Western Reserve Group. As Secured Advantage looks to continue expanding their network of profitable well managed independent agencies, adding more carriers that understand the value the independent agent brings to their community is key.
“With more than a dozen members of Secured Advantage already appointed with Western Reserve Group, it was not difficult to see the potential synergy that would come from two like minded organizations working hard to preserve the independent agencies’ position in the industry,” said Tim Buren, president and founder of Secured Advantage. “We work hard every day trying to enhance the independence of our members and bring more strength to the independent agency channel.”
“We were impressed by the group that has been assembled in the Secured Advantage network and look forward to working with more of their member agencies,” commented Dennis Manzella, assistant vice president – marketing, Western Reserve Group. “Our company has remained strong by affiliating with good agents over the years, and expect that Secured Advantage will provide more introductions to quality agencies in the coming months and years.”
Their working relationship will be formally launched in the Secured Advantage network in February 2018. Both organizations expect that the relationship will serve the long-term interests of and bring value to all stakeholders from the carrier, network, agency, agent and customers alike.
Secured Advantage was founded in 2014 with the expressed intentions of improving the independence of every member and in turn the independent agency channel. With more than 70 members representing over $250,000,000 in premium, the members of Secured Advantage are providing significant value to their customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan. In addition to bringing every agency increased profitability, they provide a number of additional programs and value added services which will increase the independent agencies value. For more information, visit
The Western Reserve Group operates exclusively through more than 2,500 independent agents in over 600 locations throughout Ohio and Indiana, providing insurance protection to over 170,000 households, businesses and farms. The company is rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best. The Western Reserve Group offers a wide range of value added property and casualty insurance products for automobiles, homes, commercial businesses and farms in Ohio and Indiana. For more information, visit