At Secured Advantage, we have great partners. SLNconnect is just one prime example of the first class organizations we work with to bring the best in class products to our members. This installment of our blog has been provided by their CEO, Keith Latore…
Can Customers Find You Online?
See for Yourself…
Sure. When someone searches your business name, you SHOULD appear at the top of page one. You may even be featured on the right, in the Knowledge Panel (that’s what Google calls it).
BUT what happens when a potential customer searches by keyword or product to find your business or another business like yours? For example, “CAR INSURANCE NEAR ME” or “I WANT TO BUY BUSINESS INSURANCE NEAR ME”. Since 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and 4 in 5 local mobile searches result in a purchase, it’s vitally important that you know where your business appears online, how often and how accurately. With SLNconnect, you can click here to run a free listing scan to see exactly how your business appears online today.
However, today is fleeting, especially in the digital world. Every day, your direct competitors and hundreds of different directories, websites and review engines are vying for the same page one space you covet. Furthermore, Google’s algorithm is constantly evolving. It currently uses over 250 attributes to determine who, where and what appears on page one for every search term. Since 80% of users don’t even go to page two before refining their original search, page one is the only place you want to be!

And no matter what any “SEO expert” tells you, you cannot buy your way to the top of organic search, nor can you control what a person is going to search, let alone click. The best strategy is to control every piece of your online information, so Google, Siri and everyone else knows exactly who you are, where you are, what you do and when you do it. All it takes is an incorrect phone number, address or hours of operation on a major directory to lose customers.
Changed your name, merged your business, moved locations or opened a new one? How is the internet supposed to know?
Sadly, what Google, Siri and others don’t know only hurts your business. What if you have a negative review (obviously a mistake 😊) on a popular review engine that you don’t regularly monitor? Unfortunately, no response allows the negativity to echo perpetually through the online ecosystem. We’ve seen examples like these and worse, which is why we recently introduced Total Visibility for Secured Advantage Member Agencies.
We believe that optimizing your online presence is an absolute necessity, but it doesn’t have to take a lot of time or break the bank. Within days, Total Visibility will Sync over 65 of the most highly trafficked website and directories with your correct name, address, phone, website, hours, description, social media feeds, unlimited keywords and other rich content search engines want.
Then, we will Lock down every listing so only you can update them. Updating is a breeze. Just make the change in SLNconnect, and we’ll push it everywhere online. We will also track your reviews and Notify you when a review posts to 22 different review sites, so you can respond immediately to your most vocal customers. All this will increase your online visibility, improve your search engine rankings and drive more online traffic to your actual door. We’ll even give you all kinds of stats to monitor your success.
Since price is the next logical question, here it is: $210 per year is all it takes to immediately enhance, expand and protect your business’ presence everywhere online. The service normally costs $360 per year, but Secured Advantage was able to secure a $150 discount for all our member agencies. Just enter the promo code $advantage at checkout to take advantage of this valuable service at an outstanding price.
Have questions? Email us at to learn about everything SLNconnect can do for you as a Secured Advantage member. You can also schedule a FREE training on a variety of digital marketing topics here.