3 Strategies to Grow an Independent Insurance Agency

In today’s society, the term “independent” has become a buzzword, a byword for success. In the insurance industry, people can’t afford an independent insurance agency, especially because they like having more choices and better service.

Independent agencies offer a variety of plans and services to their clients without remaining tied to any one carrier. The downside of independent agencies appears when owners attempt to grow their businesses. Take a look at these three strategies you can use to grow your agency and determine how you can deploy these strategies to your advantage.

Grow Your Insurance Agency Organically

The first step in growing your agency is organization. Organizing your office space will make it easier for you to find whatever you need when you need it. In short, you’re increasing efficiency.

Don’t be afraid to hire extra staff who can help you produce more on a daily basis. No one is suggesting that you hire a bunch of new people all at once, but you should plug holes in productivity as they arise.

Finally, you should foster the relationships you already have with targeted networking. You want to get to know everyone who is even six degrees away from you because they can give you the sort of support you need when you need it most.

Increase Your Credibility in the Insurance Industry

You should make sure that your agency is respected, trustworthy, and reputable in the community. This will help to build your credibility in a way that makes people in the area think of you when they think of insurance. They may not even have insurance with you, but your name is in their mind—pretty much—at all times.

You should also pour some time into your website because that website speaks to everyone who learns about your business. It’s more likely that a new client will get to know your business through the website, and a beautiful website goes a long way.

Insurance Agency Branding Tips

To grow an independent insurance agency, you must implement an agency branding strategy. What is agency branding? Briefly, it’s the process of creating a unique and identifiable brand for your agency. Branding comes through in a:

· Logo, while others use a tagline

· A color scheme and/or a uniform.

· A name and face to match the business.

While agency branding can pay big dividends, you should remember that it is a long game. You must be prepared to invest in branding and spend quite a bit of time making the right choices for your business so that the trajectory is always upward, even as the economy fluctuates.

Reach out to us at Secured Advantage for more assistance growing your independent insurance agency. We recommend that you be proactive, build relationships, and focus on branding your agency as the expert in the field that your clients need.